quarta-feira, 7 de abril de 2010

Letra e tradução (para inglês) de An Isoun Agapi

Aqui fica a letra de 'An Isoun Agapi' em grego (para quem perceber as letras) e em inglês também ...


Αν ήσουνα αγάπη θα με κράταγες

Δε θα άνοιγες τα χέρια σου να φυγω
Την πορτα σου θα πρόφτανες να κλείδωνες
θα με έσφιγκες στα στήθια σου να μείνω
Αν ήσουνα αγάπη θα το ένιωθα
οι άντρες και τους χάρτες τους αλλάζουν
αν ήσουνα αγάπη δε θα ράγιζα
τα σύνορα που βάζεις με τρομάζουν
Γίνε τώρα γυμνή αγκαλιά
δως μου όση μου πρέπει καρδιά
Τη ζωή μου αρνιέμαι, σε βρίζω
θέλω τώρα αμέσως να 'ρθεις
βρες το δρόμο, τον τρόπο μπορείς
παραμύθι μου γίνε, τ'αξίζω!
Αν ήσουνα αγάπη δε θα δήλιαζες
οι έρωτες που καίνε δε παγώνουν
με μούδιασες με στέγνωσες, με άδειασες
τα μέτρια το ξέρεις με σκοτώνουν
Γίνε τώρα γυμνή αγκαλιά
δως μου όση μου πρέπει καρδιά
Τη ζωή μου αρνιέμαι, σε βρίζω
θέλω τώρα αμέσως να 'ρθεις
βρες το δρόμο, τον τρόπο μπορείς
παραμύθι μου γίνε, τ'αξίζω!


If you were love you would hold me

You would not open your hands to let me go
You would have locked the door
You would hold me tight, to stay
If you were love, I would have felt it
Men and their maps/ideas they change
If you were love, I would not break/crack
The boundaries you give me, frighten me
It is now a naked embrace
Give me as much as you should my heart
My life I deny, I make you angry
I want you to come immediately
Find the road, the way you can
Become my fairy tale, I deserve it
If you were love you wouldn't choose
The loves that burn do not freeze
You have numbed me, you have dried me out, I am empty
The half measure you know kill me
It is now a naked embrace
Give me as much as you should my heart
My life I deny, I make you angry
I want you to come immediately
Find the road, the way you can
Become my fairy tale, I deserve it

(Assim que puder tento traduzir as letras gregas para letras "normais")

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