sexta-feira, 2 de abril de 2010

Letra de Tha Mai Allios e respectiva tradução (para inglês)

A música já saíu no ano passado mas ainda não tinha visto a letra na net a não ser em grego (com as letras gregas) o que é um bocadinho complicado de perceber!!
Ficam aqui as letras, em grego e em inglês

Ta proina moni ksupno
tosi thoulia ya* na mh se skefto,
aniyo to fos, padou thistihos*
tha uparxies, se niotho...
To pezo treli yati i loyiki
opos ki an tin paro akri the* tha vyei
Tha me aliws, alazw edelos
pao kodra ston fovo, fovo.
Tha m'allios pio thinati*
me varethika, varethika.
Tha lew aplos sta thiskola*
"Fersu fisika.".
Tha m'alios tha vyis ki ap to mialo mu
ya na 'me eyo o eaftos mu pia.
Thelo na vyis, na hathis
ki ohi mesa mu na zis
prin se misiso, tha s'afiso
ya, pao na ziso.
Vrathia* kena, thipsao* poli
yi'afto kernaw pota ke flertaro poli.
M'opion ki an vyo, ti psahno na vro
afu esena eho hasi...
Ma as ksehasto, ki as mi se ksehno
i ora pernai kano oti mporo.
Tha me allios,mathaino diarkos
leo ki afto tha perasi.
Tha m'allios pio thinati*
me varethika, varethika.
Tha lew aplos sta thiskola*
"Fersu fisika".
Tha m'alios tha vyis ki ap to mialo mu
ya na 'me eyo o eaftos mu pia.
Thelo na vyis, na hathis
ki ohi mesa mu na zis
prin se misiso, tha s'afiso
ya, pao na ziso.
Zitao pola, pola
thelo ti zoi su
ma telika, logika
the* tha me mazi su.
Tha m'alios tha vyis ki ap to mialo mu
ya na 'me eyo o eaftos mu pia.
Thelo na vyis, na hathis
ki ohi mesa mu na zis
prin se misiso, tha s'afiso
ya, pao na ziso.


I wake up alone in the morning
I work hard so I don’t think of you,
I turn on the light, unfortunately all around
you’ll be, I can feel you…
I pretend I’m crazy cause logic
it won’t lead me anywhere, however I may take it.
I shall be different, I’m completely changing
I go against the fear, the fear.
I shall be different, stronger
I’m sick of me, I’m sick.
I shall just say during the hard times
“act naturally”.
I shall be different
you’ll also get out of my mind
so I can be the real me from now on.
I want you to get out, to disappear
and not living inside me
before I hate you, I shall leave you
goodbye, I’m going to live.
Empty nights, I long for a kiss
so I buy drinks and I flirt a lot.
Whoever I’m out with, what am I looking to find
since I’ve lost you…
But shall I forget, even if I can’t forget you
I’m doing my best to kill time.
I shall be different, I always learn
I say I shall get through this as well.
I shall be different, stronger
I’m sick of me, I’m sick.
I shall just say during the hard times
“act naturally”.
I shall be different
you’ll also get out of my mind
so I can be the real me from now on.
I want you to get out, to disappear
and not living inside me
before I hate you, I shall leave you
goodbye, I’m going to live.
I’m asking a lot, a lot
I want your life
but finally, logically
I wont be with you.
I shall be different
you’ll also get out of my mind
so I can be the real me from now on.
I want you to get out, to disappear
and not living inside me
before I hate you, I shall leave you
goodbye, I’m going to live.

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